Aye, aye…we have AI.

If you haven’t jumped on board with the staggering capabilities of AI (Artificial Intelligence) interwoven in modern technological platforms and software worldwide, let’s talk!

Artificial Intelligence has made a giant leap in the computer world, allowing users to have their software aid them in designing and writing better letters and reports, create maps and scenarios pulled and distributed across teams and networks, allowing full integration with video, sound, text and graphics.

Microsoft has once again taken the lead in innovation, and as Microsoft Office is our specialty, WordUp will be offering courses extensive in AI.

Managers will be especially interested in Co-Pilot once the scope of its abilities are realized.

This will include:

  • Microsoft Bing Chat
  • Microsoft 365
  • Azure Active-Based Directory
  • Microsoft Loop
  • Microsoft Co-Pilot
  • OneDrive

Stay tuned for release dates in the very near future!